Winter…into spring

In late February, we lived in a snowy winter wonderland.  We were sledding at Olbrich park, pulling the kids down the street in their sleds, and generally working hard to relish snow and winter for as long as possible so we didn’t go stir crazy for spring too early!

Here’s a little demonstration of the transition over the last several weeks.

Here we have a sparkling, snowy morning.  The tree is a maple that Bryan transplanted from a seedling a few years ago.  Those silver maples grow fast!!

IMG_3916So the chain link fence isn’t particularly picturesque, but the glittering snow is lovely!

IMG_3920Here’s my new sunflower sun catcher from Heather.  A beautiful bit of summer hanging in my snowy window.

IMG_3914In Sylvia’s room, I have a wintry (white) fairy display.  I just switched it to a brightly colored spring display.  Bye bye winter!

IMG_3913Then, the first weekend in March, the snow started melting.  Mellllting!

And within a few days…

IMG_4661The snow was gone!

Bye bye snow, hello spring…

More snow may be on the way, but this week, I took pictures (with my phone) of crocuses and snowdrops at Olbrich!

Spring…in the form of flowers and soaring turkey vultures and migrating sandhill cranes has made a stand!  Our neighbood owls (who’ve been hooting every night for months) have hatched at least one chick.  A neighbor found the shell on the ground beneath their tree.

Hip hip hooray for spring!