Wishin’ you rainbows today

Do you know that St. Patrick’s Day is my favorite (after Christmas) holiday?  It is!  I love the burst of green in a somewhat dreary-looking month of March.  I love the stories of leprechauns and the silliness and the rainbows.  I love the folklore and getting to read fairy tales from Ireland.


I like that it’s a minor holiday so I can feel a little like it’s all mine.

And I’m loving getting to share my joy about St. Patrick’s Day with my kids.  Andrew and I have spent the last couple weeks spying for leprechauns while we go for walks.  How tall are they, we wonder…Sylvia’s size, a foot high, or maybe only as tall as your thumb!  We peek under bushes, and creep around trees.  Who knows what we’ll do if we see one!

Andrew’s also been having fun wearing green most days this month.  He smiles his big, wonderful smile, does a little boy leap in the air and spreads his arms as he announces, “I’ve got on green for St. Patrick’s Day, Mom!”

As part of my crazy seasonal decor, I sometimes decorate the house for St. Patrick’s Day.  This year, I put up St. Patrick’s Day cards I’ve received over the years as well as some little pins and gifts from years past.


I’ve been receiving Cricket magazine since 1986, and they’ve often had good leprechaun tales, so I pulled several March issues to read to Andrew.




Even Kirsten wears green in March here in the Dotzour home.


I doubt you can see it much at all, but here’s a photo of a rainbow we  saw last week.  It had been raining off and on all day, and as we walked inside, Bryan pointed out a colorful rainbow stretching across the gray sky.  IMG_4663 I hope you’re able to bring some cheer to someone’s life today, and I hope there’s some twinkling magic for you as well!  Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

One Reply to “Wishin’ you rainbows today”

  1. My “personal” holiday has always been May Day.  Ever since I was a kid, I’ve held to the tradition of distributing anonymous bouquets early on the morning of May 1st, to surprise and delight people.  When the kids were much smaller, I’d pile them and a bunch of flowers into the Burley and ride around town leaving bunches of flowers tied to people’s front doors.
    Sometimes I have to make paper flowers, if there aren’t sufficient blooms available in my yard.

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