Fresh, clean computer

It rained much of today here in Wisconsin. The air has been thick with fog for the last several days because the snow is melting and the moisture is hovering close to the ground. Our street would have been a great setting for a werewolf film the other night… We even have owls for local ambiance.

The rain is cleaning all the salt and wintry muck off our cars, and suddenly, vehicles are pretty again. The automobiles are pretty, but I’ve got to say that the sodden, ground isn’t that pretty. Except that, as Andrew keeps reminding me, “there are signs of spring!” Each new patch in the snow pack is a sign for my little boy. A delightful sign of spring.

As the clouds are washing the cars clean and removing the snow, I have decided to wash my computer clean. I heard that Ivory wasn’t good for motherboards, so I did a format of the hard drive instead.
My computer (which has served me well for four years) has recently taken to shutting down several times a day with a “blue screen of death.” It was also running slow enough to kinda kill me.

So on Monday I did back-ups. And Tuesday I gathered my courage and did the reformat. And Wednesday and today, I’ve been re-installing programs. And learning that I didn’t actually save my Firefox bookmarks (sniff) or my Firefox passwords file (oh dear).

But all in all (so far…knock on wood, toss salt over shoulder, cross eyes and chant) it looks like this reformatting endeavor was successful. I’ve got almost everything back up and running, and so far I have yet to see a blue screen.

Fresh start for spring…and for the upcoming photo season!