Helllloooo March!

Happy March 1 everyone!  March…the month of St. Patrick’s Day…the month that welcomes the official first day of spring…the month where we average eight inches of snow.  March is, I must remember, certainly not spring.  Yet it is the end of winter.  I recall the phrase “In like a lion, out like a lamb.”  Well, this year March didn’t come in like a lion.  The sun is shining, the temperature has soared to the high-thirties, and it’s in general a delightful winter day.

In fact, I went to the grocery store yesterday WITHOUT A WINTER COAT.  I can’t believe it either.  The very idea of not needing to wear a coat seems ludicrous.  I just wore my fleece jacket, and I was fine.  Yeee haaawww.

Now with March upon us, I’m looking around my home and wondering how I should mix up my decorations for the month.  Did you know, by the way, that I change my home decorations every month?  Or at least every season.  Who does that, really?  Me, I guess:)  September through April I change my home decor every month, and then spring and summer I keep things pretty constant.  Except my American Girl, Kirsten, who I change each month.  This seasonal decorating is something that I started doing around age 12, and I haven’t been able to stop.  I’ve toned it down a little from my teen years when I changed all my wall hangings as well.  Now I only change some of my wall hangings.  Something tells me that if Bryan lived alone, his home would not have seasonally changing decor…

My January decorations feature snowmen and polar bears and other wintery items.  In February I add in some red items.  And March I switch out the red with green.  And I’m thinking that maybe the polar bears should depart.  Maybe some rainbows should take their place.

I’ve been curious what my yard and the neighborhood will look like at the end of March, and thanks to my Flickr archives, I can easily see photos from the last five years.  For instance, when I look at March 2007, I get see a calendar with a thumbnail from each day I took photos.

March 4 looks really snowy…like the world outside my window today.

Outdoors in the snow Then on March 19, it looks like my siblings and I all took a walk to our neighborhood park in some balmy weather.

Michael's birthday - a walk to the park And look…on March 27, 2008, crocuses were popping from the earth in Jessica’s yard:

Crocuses Maybe I’ll even be bringing home some pansies this month as I was on March 29, 2008!

Bringing home pansies What a cutie that little two-year-old Andrew was!

We have some fun plans this March.  This weekend we’re doing our semi-annual weekend at Jack’s house.  Maretta and Kyle are driving down from St. Paul, which should be so great.  I haven’t seen them since Michael and Lisa’s wedding in October!  Then on March 12, Joe comes home from college for spring break.  He’ll be in Madison for over two weeks, so I’m hoping to soak up some good Joe time.  My little bro will be graduating in May, and I’m so excited to see what adventures come his way.  Then there are the Oscars (March 8…always a good fashion time), Michael’s 29th birthday on March 19, and Joe’s 22nd birthday on March 25th.

Welcome to you, March!  Hoping your month finds you healthy, active, and full of good cheer.

2 Replies to “Helllloooo March!”

  1. I change our home decorations at least every season too 🙂 I love it. It is an easy way of giving the home some new energy! Today the sun is shining over Stockholm, maybe some spring in the air? Well, the ground is all covered in dirty snow and slush, and spring seems so far away… Last year spring time came with Arvid! It was snowing on 28th of March and then in the afternoon of the 29th when Arvid was born, the sun started to shine and all snow melted in just a few hours. Wounderful memories! I can’t belive that we soon have a 1 year old boy!
    Love, Karin

    1. Karin, I didn’t know you were a kindred seasonal decorator!  Yay us:)
      I hope this month of your little boy’s birth is a joyful one.  That first birthday is such a neat milestone.  I found myself really thinking back a lot, “Last year this time we were…”  What a marvelous anniversary.  Give the little 11 month old some snuggles from us.

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