
Andrew has a friend over to play this afternoon.  From the moment she walked in the door, Sylvia has been mesmerized by Olivia.  She stands still, hardly breathing, just watching this amazing four-year-old galavant around our house.  Then my little Sylv ran into her bedroom and came back without her dress on.  She was holding a purple shirt.  A purple shirt just like Olivia.

Sylvia’s jeans are in the wash, and she was beside herself, pointing wildly at Olivia’s jeans and sobbing.  I tried to talk her into dark purple or dark blue pants, but she couldn’t stand the idea of not correctly modeling after her new idol.  Fortunately, with a nudge from me, Olivia turned to Sylvia and told her (in her sweet lisp) that Sylvia looked great and that they both had on purple shirts, which was really cool.  Sylvie didn’t smile or acknowledge the comment, but I could just see her little posture change as she absorbed the world.  Then my little girl turned and headed happily into her room…content with the rightness of the universe.


Sylvia is now napping and Olivia and Andrew are playing in his bedroom.  There’s lots of laughter and some angry words and then more laughter.  They’re currently discussing where the babies are pooping (everywhere!).  Earlier there was some raised voices and announcements that there would be no marriage until after they were grown up.

Cute kids:)  Seeing Sylvia so aware of other kids makes me aware of some of the differences between my two kids.  Andrew just generally doesn’t seem to model his clothing or behavior after other kids.  Like as a general rule, Andrew’s doing his own thing and so what others are doing is only interesting to him as it relates to his current activities.  Sylvia absolutely loves to emulate other’s behavior.  She is currently really intense about noting/wanting other kid’s clothes and shoes and toys.  She loves to copy her brother.  Or me.  Or Bryan.  And apparently, she also now likes to dress like super cool preschoolers.  It’s really interesting to see the stages that kids go through as they change and grow.



5 Replies to “Admiration”

  1. That made me giggle because it was so adorable.  Wow, it’s really fascinating, though, to see how differently kids process and react to information about the world.  If a two-year-old (who does not read fashion magazines) wants to wear the same clothing as her peers, it really does say something about humans as social beings.  Being the “younger kid” in a group of pre-schoolers also has a different social dynamic than being one of the older ones, I’d wager, too.  Hmmm!  Thanks for sharing your kids and giving us readers lots to think about!

  2. I wiped so many tears last night watching the Canadian figure skater who just lost her mom a few days ago. She held it together so well and it just seemed like such an incredibly hard and courageous thing to do that and perform so well.

  3. She really was amazing, wasn't she, Lisa. I'm looking forward to watchingthe long program tonight. All the women were so on their games on Tuesday. It'll be great to watch the freeskate!

  4. She really was amazing, wasn't she, Lisa. I'm looking forward to watchingthe long program tonight. All the women were so on their games on Tuesday. It'll be great to watch the freeskate!

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