Bleak House

Bryan and I really, really enjoyed the BBC mini-series Bleak House. I highly recommend it.

There’s a scene that somehow seemed appropriate with our life this last week of stomach-flu-enforced isolation.  Bryan quoted it the other night, and we both had a good laugh.

Sir Leicester Dedlock: Is it still raining my love?

Lady Dedlock: Yes my love. And I am bored to death with it. Bored to death with this place. Bored to death with my life. Bored to death with myself.

Sir Leicester Dedlock: What was that, my love?

Lady Dedlock: Nothing…of consequence.

Fortunately, this morning Bryan is healthy and at work, Andrew is healthy and at preschool and Sylvia is healthy and is at daycare at Donna’s.  And so far, I have escaped the bug. So we’ve all left our Bleak House, and the sun is shining!
I’m grateful for our piles of books, for 101 Datamations and The Fox and the Hound. For roasted turkey and tapioca pudding. For hours snuggling and blankets and days after days spent in pajamas. We’ve been “slugging it” here at the Dotzour house as everyone got well. I can’t tell you, dear Internet, how happy I am to be rejoining the world!

5 Replies to “Bleak House”

  1. Might I make a request for my videos of the kids (and the wonderful and interesting commentary about their lives that generally comes along with it)? 🙂

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