Paperwhites for your desktop

IMG_1723 Before Christmas, I planted a few paperwhite bulbs in a bowl in my kitchen.  When we got home from Texas, we found that our bulbs had sprouted long, green stalks.  Then last week, the blooms started to appear, filling the air of our home with their peppery, sharp spring sent.

There’s nothing in all the world like blooming bulbs.  They just sing of hope.  And spring.  Or at least of spring in one’s heart!

The flowers are now at their peak of bloom, and every time I walk past them, their sent makes me look up sharply and then smile.

I took a photo of the very first paperwhite bloom, and I now have it as my desktop background.  How I wish that my monitor had a scratch-and-sniff function:)

I thought maybe you’d like to share in the prettiness.  If you’d like to download an image for your desktop, click here for the 1026×768 (standard) size or here for the 1440×900 (wide screen) size.  You can right-click the link and choose “save link as,” or you can click on the link, wait for the photo to pop up, and right click on the photo and choose “save as.”  Enjoy!

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