I follow about sixty blogs. That sounds like a lot! Fortunately, only about 30 of those blogs update regularly. The other 30 are like little happy cards in my mailbox when there’s a new post. Twenty or more of the blogs are photography-related. It’s wonderful to look at and read the inspiring work of others!
Sometimes I weed down my blog-roll by paying attention to which blogs I choose to read first. The ones I consistently read last get nixed. One of my favorite blogs…usually the first one I click on after opening Google Reader…is the NieNie Dialogues. Stephanie Nielson lives in Salt Lake City. A bit over a year ago, she was in a horrible plane crash. She survived, but barely. And she’s had a rough road healing (she was burned over 80% of her body). She’s the mother of four children, and she has candidly shared the challenges of reconnecting with them and regaining her role of Mom. Plus, she’s cute and funny and touching. And her challenges make almost anything in my world look like a cake walk.
This morning I read the second of a two-part story written about her in the Arizona Republic. Even having followed her situation for the last year, this article rocked my world. It’s beautifully written. And touching and inspiring. I mean, if this woman can find the hope and strength and humor to travel the path she’s been on, I should really be able to look past even the crummiest of days to relish the ups and downs of my little world.

So if you have a moment (or several moments), take a look at this story. After you’ve read that, you’ll probably want to keep track of Stephanie. Her blog, the NieNie Dialogues is here.
Let me know what you think. And also, let me know what your favorite blogs are? Who do you read who is funny? Or has good recipes? Or fun craft ideas? Or just puts a smile on your face? I love to find new good reads!
Oh, I saw her on Oprah (I think)–amazing and inspirational story! Thanks for sharing!
Oh, I saw her on Oprah (I think)–amazing and inspirational story! Thanks for sharing!
I don’t read many blogs. I have websites that I check regularly, but I’d like to say that honestly, your blog is the one I read most often. You update fairly regularly, and I love to read about your family (I like feeling in the loop about her family when I chat with Maretta and/or Joe). I love the way you write, especially when you share crazy or fun stories about your kids. 🙂
Hey Althea! I think you might find this blog interesting, if you haven’t discovered it yet: http://www.notmartha.org. It isn’t necessarily inspiring, but it has fun things you and your sweet babes might enjoy!