Cookie baking

On Wednesday, Madison got an 18 inch snowfall.  Yowsers!  We got ourselves shoveled out (with the help of our neighbors who actually snow plowed our whole driveway for us!), and by about 10:30am, our electricity came back on.  The house never got below 55 degrees, and my hot-blooded kids weren’t the least bit phased.

A couple of our neighbors have fire places, and we had plans to spend time with them if the power wasn’t restored.  In fact, I was kind of looking forward to a slumber party with meals cooked on our (dug out) grills.  Nothing beats a warm home and a working stove!

Andrew and I did some cookie-baking on Wednesday afternoon.  I love celebrating the Christmas season with my kiddos!  I also love eating the almond paste  cookie dough that was my mommy’s recipe.


IMG_0073.jpgThis is a new favorite picture of little Sylvie.


And a peek at our view out the window.


If you were here in Wisconsin, I hope your snow day was a lovely one.  If you were in a warmer place, enjoy the snowy pictures:)

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