Andrew is back!

It’s been several days since I’ve posted, which tends to make me feel a little crazy. But all is well.

Andrew flew back home from Texas on Tuesday night. We had a joyous reunion, and over the next several days, my statements like, “I am so happy you are home!” have been met with the lovely response, “I’m so happy you’re home too!”

Andrew had a fabuloso time. LuAnn reported that he was almost never sad, and he came back brim-full of stories and happy memories.

Our little guy went back to preschool on Wednesday…he was excited that his classmates would be happy to see him. We got to see Tom and Terry and got some nice playtime with Eli.

LuAnn stayed with us Wednesday and got some one-on-one playtime with Sylvia while Andrew was at school.

I am typing this pos out with my thumbs, which is a strange and new experience! My home Internet service is down this week, and so I’m posting this from my (new) iPhone.

I did a couple great photo sessions last weekend, and I am loving looking through the images. Being a photographer is so very, very rewarding! What a wonderful thing it is to be able to capture some childhhood magic for parents to store and share. I feel really lucky!

Hope your week is fine!