ZAP! uh, new microwave time

Last night I attempted to use the microwave to melt some butter for the corn bread batter.  Mmm corn bread and chili on a windy, fall evening.

Instead of melting my butter, the microwave made a spooky crackling zap noise.  Then it appeared to work – lights on, turn-table rotating – but after a minute, the butter was still cold.  This morning I tried it again and there was a loud electrical snapping noise.  Still no food-warming.  I called a repair shop, and they said it was probably the magnetron*.  She said repairing it costs about $300.  Hmmm, the replacement microwaves I looked up online looked to be about $300.

Looks like our Home Improvement budget item is going to see a bit of use!

* Definition: A microwave tube in which electrons generated from a heated cathode are affected by magnetic and electric fields in such a way as to produce microwave radiation used in radar and in microwave ovens. (from

13 Replies to “ZAP! uh, new microwave time”

  1. I hate having to replace instead of repair appliances. Our micro. is pretty old, too, and will need replacing soon as well. Have you looked into a convection oven instead? This is what I would like to do.

  2. I checked the basement and we only have one microwave that’s not being used right now– which is Alice’s. We did have an extra at one time, but I think we handed it to Maretta.

    It’s pretty common now that replacing a part costs as much as or more than replacing the entire appliance, but it still makes me a little sad. I wonder if microwaves can be taken to the electronics recycle day?

    1. Dad offered me Grandma and Grandpa’s, so we have an option. And I do believe that these can be taken to be recycled. Makes me feel bad to be throwing away what appears to be a nice, large, functional appliance!

  3. Or you could do without one. We’ve never had a microwave, and have never missed it (OK, except when I want an Amy’s frozen burrito and it takes 30 minutes in the oven to heat up.).

    1. Urgh. I know. We don’t need a microwave. I didn’t have one growing up until late-high school. It’s just that I use it so much! I’d have to remember to pull things out of the freezer to thaw hours ahead of time instead of defrosting them in the microwave. I’d have to use my pots a lot more…re-heating frozen vegetables, steaming my milk for my morning lattes, warming up some spaghetti sauce.

      Eventually we’ll need to replace the microwave since it’s also the light/exhaust fan above the stove. My dad has a counter-top version he could give us. Hmmm we’re on the fence.

  4. I hate having to replace instead of repair appliances. Our micro. is pretty old, too, and will need replacing soon as well. Have you looked into a convection oven instead? This is what I would like to do.

  5. See how it goes without one for a week or so…maybe you’ll get used to using pots on the stove!

    Daniel found a KitchenAid mixer at SVDP the other day but I told him not to get it because where would we put it?? Same is true for a microwave. I look around my kitchen and don’t see any space for it.

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