What a response!

I’d just like to send a big thanks to everyone who responded to my first post on money management.  It feels great to have a community of friends and family chiming in, and it’s neat to see all the different ways that families make their finances work.  Thanks for sharing all your ideas and suggestions and support!

I think that writing out some of my thoughts about budgeting and money management should be fun.  In fact, my next post is already in the works.

Tonight, I’m working on the budget for Andrew’s preschool (I’m just getting started as the treasurer…it seems like all my free time these days I’m thinking about money!).  In that context, I was just thinking about how budgets are great because they really help define the priorities for an organization.  Like Jessica’s comment (or actually Mitch’s comment on my last post), budgets aren’t about limiting so much as they are about purposefully allocating.

Well, in my case, maybe they’re mostly about limiting, but I’m going to try to think of it positively!  Thanks for joining me as I meander forward, through this topic.