Finger painting!

For those of you who are stressed after getting back to work after our long Labor Day weekend, I suggest finger painting!


There’s nothing like mushing paint between your fingers.





Sylvia likes all the photographic attention.  Andrew on the other hand…not such a fan.  In fact, the phrase, “MOM!  Stop taking my picture!” came out loud and clear.  But he was OK with me photographing his paper.




You can purchase finger paints at most stores.  Have fun!

9 Replies to “Finger painting!”

  1. LUV the paint all over Sylvia's face! Too funny! We love hand prints at our house. We have a great print of Linda's hands and Minna's hands overlapping. So sweet, esp as our babies grow! Thanks for the pics!

  2. LUV the paint all over Sylvia's face! Too funny! We love hand prints at our house. We have a great print of Linda's hands and Minna's hands overlapping. So sweet, esp as our babies grow! Thanks for the pics!

  3. I’m so glad you entitled this entry Finger Painting!! That red finger paint….Very cute pictures!! Looks like fun was happening at the Dotzour house!!

    1. I do like to take photos of unhappy kids, but I think it’s safe to say that if the red on Sylvie’s hands was not finger paint that I probably wouldn’t have been taking pictures! 🙂

      It’s a beautiful day today. Maybe a good afternoon for some painting on the driveway!

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