
Did you know that I love sunflowers?  I really do.  And this year, I’ve got a big mess of them growing in my back yard.  Here are some pictures to brighten your day.



The sunflowers – yellow and brown – are full of American Goldfinches – yellow and black – and of bumble bees – yellow and black.  It’s like a moving, chirping, buzzing work of art.  In the picture below, there are actually four or five birds but all abut two are hiding.




I hope you spy some sunflowers in this beautiful month!  Andrew and I planted most of these in little cups last spring.  We had fun watching how quickly they germinated and grew.  Now it’s fun to think that these towers of flower started out on our kitchen table!

22 Replies to “Sunflowers”

  1. Wow! That's a fantastic crop you've got this year, Althea! There are alot of great sunflowers around South Lake Tahoe right now too– I enjoy biking past a particularly nice group when I bike to work. But since I'll be driving today, I'm grateful to have had these to brighten my day!

  2. Can you believe that in the past…since that's the Kansas flower…neighbors of Kansas into whose land they have spilled over have called them noxious weeds!! They are beautiful. When we were in Wichita last weekend we drove out to Larry and Susan's with mom and dad and the fields were full of them!! They are delightful and thanks for the beautiful pictures. I love the goldfinches!!

  3. Can you believe that in the past…since that's the Kansas flower…neighbors of Kansas into whose land they have spilled over have called them noxious weeds!! They are beautiful. When we were in Wichita last weekend we drove out to Larry and Susan's with mom and dad and the fields were full of them!! They are delightful and thanks for the beautiful pictures. I love the goldfinches!!

  4. Can you believe that in the past…since that's the Kansas flower…neighb​ors of Kansas into whose land they have spilled over have called them noxious weeds!! They are beautiful. When we were in Wichita last weekend we drove out to Larry and Susan's with mom and dad and the fields were full of them!! They are delightful and thanks for the beautiful pictures. I love the goldfinches!!

  5. Wow! That's a fantastic crop you've got this year, Althea! There are alot of great sunflowers around South Lake Tahoe right now too– I enjoy biking past a particularly nice group when I bike to work. But since I'll be driving today, I'm grateful to have had these to brighten my day!

  6. Can you believe that in the past…since that's the Kansas flower…neighbors of Kansas into whose land they have spilled over have called them noxious weeds!! They are beautiful. When we were in Wichita last weekend we drove out to Larry and Susan's with mom and dad and the fields were full of them!! They are delightful and thanks for the beautiful pictures. I love the goldfinches!!

  7. I planted a bunch of sunflowers in my gardens several years ago, and have never planted any since – I just wait and see what comes up. I’ve never been disappointed! This year I have a sunflower that is tall enough that it peeks into my bedroom window.

  8. OK, darn you, I can only find 3 birds in the photo – the two obvious ones and then one hiding in the bottom left corner. Where are the others??? It’s like Where’s Waldo, but worse.

    1. Oh dear, Karen. You’re right. I forgot that I cropped this picture since the other two were mostly hidden. So, er, the birds you were looking for are not actually in the picture. But you can imagine them just outside the frame hidden behind some sunflower heads.

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