Family potluck

Joe and Becky head back to school today.  They’re driving to Maine through Canada by driving up through the UP. Joe goes to school at Bowdoin in Maine, and Becky goes to school at Williams in Massachusetts.  Click here for a map of (what I’m guessing is) their route.


On Sunday night, Bryan and I hosted a potluck picnic to send Joe and Becky off.  Maretta and Kyle happen to live in Minnesota, so they were unable to attend, but Michael and Lisa, Terry, Tom, and Dad, and Joe and Becky all came over.  We grilled out and ate at the picnic table.  Frisbees were thrown after dinner.  Blueberry cobbler with cream was consumed.  It was a lovely night, and I’ll remember it fondly for a long time.


I think that both Joe and Becky are going to enjoy a wonderful year back at their colleges.  Joe’s a senior!  If you haven’t read his blog, you can catch it here:


Michael and Lisa’s wedding is coming up on October 10, so we’ll all be together again before too long!



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