So I made a bit of a parenting judgment error this morning. Andrew and Eli were playing in my car, and I thought they were fine. They looked fine from out the window. And they were fine, if fine includes putting my change in interesting cracks in the interior of the car.

I spent a while out there with a needle-nose pliers, tweezers, a thin-bladed knife, and tooth picks. Many quarters, dimes, nickles, and pennies have been removed. However, two batches of them are giving me trouble. There’s five or more coins in one of the vents. They rattle like a piggy bank. Not sure if they’ll slip back into the fan or if they’ll just hang tight where they are…
The sad one is that a couple coins are stuck in my tape player. I have an iPod tape in there, and it won’t play or come out. I can’t actually see the coins, so they must have fallen down into the mechanics. I looked online and saw some suggestions for putting duct tape on the end of a chopstick to get coins out of a tape player (good to know this happens to others!), but at this point the tape is blocking the area.
Oh well. The boys now are clear on the concept that coins should not be put anywhere unusual and if they have questions on that, they should ask an adult!
Any suggestions for removing my extra change are welcome!
Dawn Michaelis Wielgusat 2:47pm on August 11th
Only let them play with dollar bills???
Daisy Quintal-Lepinskiat 2:57pm on August 11th
haha. funny, my little guy did the same thing in both cars…pennies in my vents and shifter and nickles and quarters in the tape deck. seems logical right skinny thing goes in flat area.
Karen Hofstraat 10:55pm on August 11th
Boys…they grow up into husbands who get their ipods lost in your car's sunroof. I was told it looked like a good spot to store the ipod while driving. Only…when accelerating the ipod slid back into the depths of the car. The lost ipod then prevented the sunroof from closing. So for the cost of a new ipod we paid to have the ipod removed. Moral of the story, do not leave boys alone in your cars ladies.
Althea Babler Dotzourat 1:05pm on August 12th
Daisy, it's always nice to know that I'm not alone when things go bad. Others have gone to their mechanic with problem coins. I hope the pennies in your shifter didn't cause problems with the transmission!Karen, your story cracked me up. Yes, Andrew and I now have new rules about being unsupervised in the car. Good to know that those rules may have to extend for the rest of my life.
Andrew J. Johnsonat 8:21pm on August 12th
I once caught Kasha sliding coins into the cracks in the automatic transmission shifter, into the transmission itself. No symptoms yet.
Althea Babler Dotzourat 2:18pm on August 13th
Those kids! Andy, I hope your transmission continues to run problem-free!
Only let them play with dollar bills???
haha. funny, my little guy did the same thing in both cars…pennies in my vents and shifter and nickles and quarters in the tape deck. seems logical right skinny thing goes in flat area.
haha. funny, my little guy did the same thing in both cars…pennies in my vents and shifter and nickles and quarters in the tape deck. seems logical right skinny thing goes in flat area.
Boys…they grow up into husbands who get their ipods lost in your car's sunroof. I was told it looked like a good spot to store the ipod while driving. Only…when accelerating the ipod slid back into the depths of the car. The lost ipod then prevented the sunroof from closing. So for the cost of a new ipod we paid to have the ipod removed. Moral of the story, do not leave boys alone in your cars ladies.
Daisy, it's always nice to know that I'm not alone when things go bad. Others have gone to their mechanic with problem coins. I hope the pennies in your shifter didn't cause problems with the transmission!Karen, your story cracked me up. Yes, Andrew and I now have new rules about being unsupervised in the car. Good to know that those rules may have to extend for the rest of my life.
Daisy, it's always nice to know that I'm not alone when things go bad. Others have gone to their mechanic with problem coins. I hope the pennies in your shifter didn't cause problems with the transmission!Karen, your story cracked me up. Yes, Andrew and I now have new rules about being unsupervised in the car. Good to know that those rules may have to extend for the rest of my life.
Almost as bad as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in the DVD. (sigh)
Or a magnet in the CD drive of the computer…
oh dear, oh dear. i have chopsticks and duct tape. perhaps i could spend some time on it while eli watches me!?!
Ahh, makes me laugh to see hear about all the other electronic snafus that have come before me.
Jess, maybe we can have a go with the chopsticks and duct tape. I made an appointment on Friday morning to have our mechanic pull the stereo out to try to fix it, so maybe later today or tomorrow morning we can give it a go:)
I once caught Kasha sliding coins into the cracks in the automatic transmission shifter, into the transmission itself. No symptoms yet.
Those kids! Andy, I hope your transmission continues to run problem-free!
Those kids! Andy, I hope your transmission continues to run problem-free!
I remember a little red plastic lobster or plastic claw from Red Lobster somehow ending up in a seatbelt buckle in the back seat of Mom’s car. I can’t remember whether I or my sister was the culprit.