Jack’s weekend 2009

One of my favorite sights in all the world. The view from Jack's front door.

We’re back home after a wonderful weekend at Jack’s house.  My family has been going out to Jack’s house on the Wisconsin River since before I was born.  See here for pictures from past trips.  Heather, Michael, and Evelyn flew in from DC for the weekend.  Kyle came up sans Maretta (SNIFF!!) because she’s in a play with the Minnesota Fringe Festival this weekend.  Dad drove in on Saturday, which was a treat.  Bev joined us from Iowa.  Tom’s friend Asta and her kids came out too.  We had a big group – 19 people on Saturday night!

Bryan, the kids, and I camped up on the hill, which was a great experience.  We ate waaay too much good food.  We stayed up too late.  We played games and floated down the river, which was chilly this year.  We hiked in the prairie.  Both kids slept on the two-hour drive home.  Ahhh, such a great weekend.

And now we’re home.  Tonight we had our first dinner with all four of us at home since July 14.  The cats are happy to have us back.  Laundry is being washed.  I’m scheming when I can get us to a campground next.

Thanks, Jack, for hosting us.  I just love it when we’re all together!

8 Replies to “Jack’s weekend 2009”

  1. Wow, I looked at your photos and this place looks magical indeed. Is Jack a friend or is it some kind of a restaurant? I couldn't figure that out. Your pictures are amazing Althea and everyone in your family is so lucky that you are taking them. The pictures from my childhood are one of the most prized possession I have and I am so happy that my parents took them.

  2. Hi Miriam, Thanks for the note! Good to hear from you all the way in Germany:) Jack is a family friend, and we've been going out to his house my whole life. He's been restoring his land to native prairie over the last 12 years, and it's gotten to be just amazingly beautiful. Your note made me chuckle, because being at Jack's has always including eating lots of food. So being there isn't entirely unlike being at a restaurant! Except there's no one to make it or clean it up but ourselves:)Thanks for the nice comment about my pictures. I'm sure having fun taking them!

  3. Hi Miriam, Thanks for the note! Good to hear from you all the way in Germany:) Jack is a family friend, and we've been going out to his house my whole life. He's been restoring his land to native prairie over the last 12 years, and it's gotten to be just amazingly beautiful. Your note made me chuckle, because being at Jack's has always including eating lots of food. So being there isn't entirely unlike being at a restaurant! Except there's no one to make it or clean it up but ourselves:)Thanks for the nice comment about my pictures. I'm sure having fun taking them!

  4. Wow, I looked at your photos and this place looks magical indeed. Is Jack a friend or is it some kind of a restaurant? I couldn't figure that out. Your pictures are amazing Althea and everyone in your family is so lucky that you are taking them. The pictures from my childhood are one of the most prized possession I have and I am so happy that my parents took them.

  5. Hi Miriam, Thanks for the note! Good to hear from you all the way in Germany:) Jack is a family friend, and we've been going out to his house my whole life. He's been restoring his land to native prairie over the last 12 years, and it's gotten to be just amazingly beautiful. Your note made me chuckle, because being at Jack's has always including eating lots of food. So being there isn't entirely unlike being at a restaurant! Except there's no one to make it or clean it up but ourselves:)Thanks for the nice comment about my pictures. I'm sure having fun taking them!

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