My kids are home!

Bryan’s mom (the saint!) flew from Texas to Madison with both my kids today.  They arrived in the Madison airport appearing happy and calm.  Sounds like the flight went very well.  Andrew came pelting across the room to me, and Sylvia (once she figured out where I was) did the same.  I can’t get over how beautiful and amazing my kids are.  It feels good to have them back!

Sylvie is taking a nap now.  She now apparently only uses Poodle and her pacifier when she’s sleeping (yay!), and she nodded a bit ago when I asked her if she wanted to lie down.

Granny stays until tomorrow afternoon, and we’ll be heading to Jack’s afterwords.  From one fun adventure to the next!  We get back from our weekend on the Wisconsin River on Sunday afternoon.  After that, we have no plans until preschool starts in September.

So if we’ve missed seeing you over the last six weeks of Dotzour family visitors and travels, let’s get together in August!

And please hope for not-rainy weather this weekend.  At least on Saturday, a sunny day is best!

19 Replies to “My kids are home!”

  1. I can't imagine being alone with TWO kids on an airplane as a mom — it's amazing for a grandma. But Andrew and Sylvie are well behaved kids!

  2. P.S. Getting back to a normal schedule for a while sounds great. We have something planned every weekend in August– I think even Labor Day weekend has some plans in the works. Then a slight breather (which probably won't really be a breather), then the wedding!

  3. I can't imagine being alone with TWO kids on an airplane as a mom — it's amazing for a grandma. But Andrew and Sylvie are well behaved kids!

  4. P.S. Getting back to a normal schedule for a while sounds great. We have something planned every weekend in August– I think even Labor Day weekend has some plans in the works. Then a slight breather (which probably won't really be a breather), then the wedding!

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