Happy kids in Texas

Bryan and I got to Skype with Granny and the kids this morning, and it was so nice to see their sweet little faces again!  Sounds like they are really well settled and happy and Granny and Grandad are going strong.  Andrew showed us the animals he’s been playing with and told us about his swimming lessons and the shows he’s been watching, and Sylvia gave us kisses and pointed out her tongue and belly button.


I do miss those sweet kids.  But I’m still having a lot of fun, and while I’d love to see them and give them hugs and be in their wonderful company, I’m having a great time here in Sweden, and I’m not yet ready for it to end!

Granny has been sending us pictures of the kiddos, so I’ve posted those to the gallery to share.  Such sweeties!



19 Replies to “Happy kids in Texas”

  1. Grace, I hear that Andrew's gotten his hair a little wet a couple times. Progress, progress…And Holly, I totally agree that Sylvie takes after her lovely Granny's looks.I love how lanky that baby is these days. Such long legs!

  2. Althea, it is so good to hear about your trips. I have been thinking about you all. The kids look like they are having a fabulous time and it is good to hear about your travels in Sweden. We miss you and look forward to seeing you when you get back.

  3. Grace, I hear that Andrew's gotten his hair a little wet a couple times. Progress, progress…And Holly, I totally agree that Sylvie takes after her lovely Granny's looks.I love how lanky that baby is these days. Such long legs!

  4. Grace, I hear that Andrew's gotten his hair a little wet a couple times. Progress, progress…And Holly, I totally agree that Sylvie takes after her lovely Granny's looks.I love how lanky that baby is these days. Such long legs!

  5. Althea, it is so good to hear about your trips. I have been thinking about you all. The kids look like they are having a fabulous time and it is good to hear about your travels in Sweden. We miss you and look forward to seeing you when you get back.

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