
On one of our dates, Bryan and I went to see the movie Up.

I’m so very glad Andrew wasn’t with us. I can firmly state that this movie is not for little kids.  At least not my little kids.  Maybe eight-years-old would be a good age to start.  So, not a little kids movie.  But for adults, I thought it was great.

Bryan and I don’t go to movies in the theater, so this was a big departure for us. We’ve been dedicated Netflix fans for the last four years.  But the whole experience was just lovely.  We got a big tub of popcorn, snagged a two-person seat at the theater for increased snuggling comfort, and laughed and laughed.  I cried several times too.  It was such a touching movie!

The talking dogs cracked me up.  I think one could say that I was convulsing with laughter.  I hadn’t heard anything about the movie ahead of time, so it may have helped that I went in with no expectations.  What a lovely time.  I smile every time I think about that show.

Have you seen it? What did you think?

One Reply to “Up”

  1. Saw it. Loved it! But in addition to small children, I think this would be a hard movie to watch for someone who has recently lost their partner.

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