Welcome home!

I love the way the sun slants in the windows of my home.

This morning at 8am, Bryan picked up the kids and me from the Milwaukee airport.  It’s a stunningly beautiful spring day here in Wisconsin, and my garden and yard are looking so beautiful…a perfect welcome home.

Walking through our home, everything feels so right.  I had a wonderful time with Heather and Micahael and Evelyn.  I loved getting to visit with Grace and Tim and John.  If Bryan had been able to join us, I could have stayed in DC for quite some time.  I was also thinking it would be fun to just take off and explore the world.  Let’s go to Turkey or Russia or Bali!  But coming home feels good too.  There’s a contentment in my heart at the feeling of being home.  I should have posted earlier to report that Sylvie’s outlook improved dramatically on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.  She started napping, and suddenly she was smiling and laughing and flirting again.  I have a positively rediculous number of pictures to share from our trip, so I’m going to upload those and then I’ll post about our trip.

In sum, it was lovely.  Andrew had a wonderful time.  He loved spending time with our friends.  I so enjoyed having the opportunity to spend some time with people who are dear to me, and I just delighted in the opportunity to get to know the one and only Evelyn Rose Lerner.  She’s an absolutely amazing little girl.

Hope your day is a good one!

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