
It’s a quiet evening here at Heather and Michael’s house.  We stuck close to home today and made some birthday treats for Michael.  Heather made him a 6-foot-tall stuffed giant squid and a giant squid carrot cake.  Photos will be forthcoming.  Grace had the afternoon off work for her birthday (it’s birthday madness here, I tell you!), so she came over and the two of us took Sylvie and went downtown for some window-shopping and ice cream consuming.


After Michael came home from work and we surprised him with his squid items, he and Heather went out for dinner.  Having me here for a week provides a good opportunity for them to get out for a birthday treat.  They asked one of their friends to come over while I put the kids to bed to help out.  Turns out that one adult for the three of these kids was a tough ratio.

Sylvie only napped for an hour today, and she found repeated reasons to tantrum.  Evie was feeling very fragile and unsure.  Then she spilled a glass of water on herself, and she became pretty sure that indeed, things in her world were not at all right.  What with Sylvie’s screaming, Andrew started yelling and crying (at one point sobbing, “I don’t know WHYYYY I’m CRYYYYINGG!”).  I tried taking Andrew and Evie to a different room, but they were not to be soothed, so then I tried holding both girls, but Sylvie was flailing her head like a battering ram.  It didn’t last for more than a half-hour or so, but it sure did make me relieved that I haven’t had twins!  Heather’s neighbor came over and found me in Evie’s bedroom with a sobbing Evie in my arms and a writhing Sylvie between my legs on the floor.  The two of us tried to bathe the girls, aborted that mission due to the continued sadness, and got them quickly to bed.  Fortunately, they both went down in a snap.

Poor Evelyn.  It was a tough 45 minutes for her.

After putting Andrew to bed, I finished off my pint of Ben & Jerry’s (Half Baked) and plopped down with the laptop.  There’s so many dishes to do, but I’m going to ignore them for a while and catch up on my not-doing-anything while enjoying silence time.  Sleep, babies, sleep.