Wonderful Mother’s Day

Bryan and the kids arranged for a simply devine Mother’s Day today.  I feel so lucky to have been pampered and tended to all day long.Me and my girl

Sylvie woke up at 5:30 this morning.  I think she wanted me to watch the sun rise.  But after she spent a cranky 45 minutes, I put her back to bed and (thanks to Bryan) stayed in bed myself until almost 8.   How I do love my bed.  I don’t think I sped enough time with it these days.

Andrew made me a painted flower pot at preschool, Sylvie made me a finger-printed jar at Donna’s and Andrew and Bryan went out the other day and got me a flat of beautiful flowers for my garden.  What lovely gifts!

I took Sylvie for a nice walk this morning.  It’s been a beautiful, cool day.  The leaves are filling out on all the trees, and the world is full of hundreds of colors of green.  Sylvie gets so calm on walks, and she just sat and gazed around while we strolled.

We went to Olbrich Gardens this afternoon, after which we stopped at Michael’s Custard for my free strawberry sunday.  mmmmm

Bryan entertained the kids and cooked dinner while I planted my new flowers.  What a lovely evening!  Bryan made me lasagna and garlic bread, which is my favorite meal that my mommy would make me.  It was a delicious treat.

Happy Mother’s Day to all you lovely mothers out there.  I hope you feel special and loved!

I’ve got loads of pictures from the last several weeks that I’m going to process and upload tonight.  Stay tuned!

One Reply to “Wonderful Mother’s Day”

  1. It is oh-so fitting that you were pampered and tended to all day… you do that so often and well for others. You certainly are one of my favorite mamas!
    Happy Mother’s Day!

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