Photo insanity

Now that I’ve got my WordPress blog up and running about how I want it, I’ve tried to work on the photo gallery part of my blog.  The problem is that since I switched to Gallery2 a year or so ago, it seems like the gallery has worked reeeaaallly slowly.  And since one of the main purposes of this blog is photosharing, I’m really not OK with it being that slow.

Andrew's joy and sweetness are just too much

So yesterday I did some research and compared Picasa and Flickr and other photo options, and I decided to switch to Flickr.  So I got myself a “pro” account.  Next step…move the 6,700 photos from the last four years to Flickr.  No small feat!

Today is a fantastically beautiful day.  It’s Earth Day.  Andrew and I should be outdoors planting seeds.  But I’m moving photos.  And it makes me so happy!