Who could ask for anything more?

I got rhythm, I got music, I got my girl
Who could ask for anything more?
I’ve got daisies in green pastures
I’ve got my girl
Who could ask for anything more?

Oh, I’ve got rhythm
I’ve got music
I’ve got daisies in green pastures
I’ve got starlight
I’ve got sweet dreams
I’ve got my girl
Who could ask for anything more?
Who could ask for anything more?

I wasn’t too keen on the prospect of giving Sylvia a bath this evening.  She had a pretty good day, but by 7pm, I was pretty wiped, and I felt like pressing a little “off” switch on the back of her neck as opposed to going through our 40 minute pre-bedtime routine.

So I decided to get in the tub with her tonight.  You should have seen the look of amazement on her face.  “Mom is in the tub!!”  She was grinning from ear to ear, and she kept kissing me…mostly by leaning toward me and making her kissing noise, “mmmMMMMak.”

Sylvia was laughing and rollicking about, and then I convinced her to float on her back on my lap, and she liked that a lot (yet another sign that she is not, indeed, her brother).  We pulled her water whistles into the tub and were taking turns blowing them, and she thought that was great fun.  Then she asked me to move a bit so she could get to the back wall and pound on it.  She loves to drum on the back wall of the tub.  It makes a great sound.  As she was doing that, I was thinking about how much she loves to make music…how delighted she gets when she can pound a drum or shake a rattle or toot a whistle.  I hope that making music (or just noise) will help this young firebrand channel some of her amazing energy.  It certainly makes her happy.

So as she was pounding away with her open fist on the back wall of the tub, I sang to her, “I’ve got rhythm, I’ve got music.  I’ve got my girl who could ask for anything more?”

After a bit, she turned her beautiful face up to me and did her sign for “all done.”  It feels so good to be connected to this child.  I do love her so!

PS.  After I had wrapped her up in her towel and was carrying her out of the bathroom, she spotted a bottle of bubbles that I had sitting on the counter.  A couple days ago I had given Andrew and Sylvie a bubble bath and blew bubbles at them too.  Sylvia saw the bubble container, gestured emphatically at it, and threw her body around to indicate (under no uncertain terms) that I was to reverse course.  We walked back to the tub, and she pointed at the tub, grunting and lunging toward it.  “No, Sylvia, we’re done with the tub,” I said.  “Remember that you said, ‘All done.’?”  It took me a few moments to put together that she wanted to do another tub with bubbles, but when I did understand I couldn’t help but feel amazed at how much this little 13-month-old knows and understands.  She sure is fun!