Sylvia’s birthday cake

bearcake.JPGFeb. 16:  It’s 11pm, and I should be in bed.  I told Bryan that I would get off the computer around 10:30.  But he’s asleep, so he’ll never know!!!!
I’ve been editing and uploading photos from our Texas trip.  It’s all part of my plan to pretend that I’m still there.
You’ve now got around 100 photos in my Texas trip album to peruse.  There’s a sub-album of pictures from Sylvia’s first birthday party and another sub-album of pictures of the creation of this wonderful panda cake.
I think this cake is just the cutest thing.  LuAnn made it for Melanie for her first birthday.  She’s held on to the cake pan for the last 27 years, and it made a come-back for Sylvia’s first birthday on Saturday.  I asked LuAnn to make it, because while I love to have hand-made things for my family, I really prefer someone else to make them:)  That’s a secret, so don’t spread it around.
I’m so glad to have a mother-in-law who makes such wonderful things for my kids.  Sylivia has two new pairs of overalls that are just adorable.
Oh, be sure to check out the last two pictures in the panda cake album.  When Andrew saw the cake in the morning, he pulled himself up on the counter and got his tongue as close to it as he could without touching it.  What a card!