First word…and another tooth!

Dec. 8: Sylvia has been saying “mmmaahh mmaahh mmaahhh” to me for several weeks.  She’s also been saying “baahh baaah” for bye bye (while waving) and “daadaaa” for dada.  All these first words are an extension of her regular babbling, but today she said her first non-babbling word.
She crawled over to me, tapped me on the legs, and said, “maamaaa, uuhhP. uhhP.” (up)  Then later she crawled over to Bryan and said the same thing. Her first word!  Makes sense for a girl who likes so much to be held:)
In other news, Sylvia got her seventh tooth yesterday.  It’s her top right incisor.  That girl is getting a toothy grin!