The baby clothes-go-round

penguinshirt.JPGDec. 6: Sylvia will be 10 months old next week.  Can you believe it?  She’s started “walking” by pushing a chair across the room.  She is so proud of herself.  It’s fun to see.  Sylvia loves it when people clap and cheer for her.  But she doesn’t like it when things she wants to do don’t work.  Right now, she has a very low tolerance for things not working right.  And not a lot of persistence.  BUT her screech went away when she lost her voice, and it hasn’t come back yet.  It’s a real relief.  I’m losing a lot less brain cells this way.
Sylvia has long arms, and most of her 6-12 month shirts are starting to have 3/4 length sleeves.  So this morning I put away most of her short sleeved shirts, and all of her warm-weather 6-12 month clothes.  That left her dresser a bit bare.  But never fear!  I went down into the basement and unpacked a big tub of 12 month clothes.  It was so fun to pull out all those sweet baby clothes that either were Andrew’s or I bought before she was born or friends have given to us.  So many sweet things.  Such cute winter wear.  They’re all in the wash right now, and I can’t wait to start incorporating her new shirts and jumpers and overalls into her wardrobe.  I LOVE baby clothes.  Love love love.  It’s a genetic thing.