The Silent Screech

sadsylvie.JPGNov. 26: Sylvia is a sick girl.  She was up most of the night on Sunday and Monday nights…two teeth were coming in, and she was one very unhappy camper.  She’s now the proud owner of a top left front tooth.  She’s also almost got a forth tooth on the bottom.  Once that comes all the way through, she’ll be up to six teeth.
She started running a fever on Sunday night. Between that and a runny nose, I thought she just had teething side-effects.  However yesterday Andrew got a runny nose, and during our travels yesterday, Sylvia lost her voice.  She’s in good spirits, but now she has a cough and lots of nose-running.  And no scream.
This morning she fell and bonked her head, but when she went to scream and screech, nothing came out.  Silence.  Short “waahh waaahhh” <silent scream> quiet “wahhhhh wwaaaaaahhh” <silent screech>
I couldn’t help but smile a little in relief.
When we had breakfast this morning and she tried to screech in protest at the slowness of the service, no sound came out.  She can still babble and goo, but her upper register has been temporarily put out of order by her cold.  I’m trying not to enjoy it too much.  That would be mean:)