Dirt eater

Nov. 4: I know this is going to deeply call into question my standards and parenting morals, but I couldn’t resist sharing this clip of Sylvia.

I can just hear her in 10 years:
“Mother, I CANNOT believe that you let me eat dirt.”
“I cannot believe that you took pictures of me eating dirt instead of stopping me as any sane mother would do.”
“I cannot believe that you published photos and VIDEO of me eating dirt to the internet for all the world to see.”
“If I run for elected office in 20 years, you just know that this is going to surface and incite a scandal.”

“Aaawww, but Sylvie, just looks at what a cute dirt eater you were!”
A mama’s gotta share all that good baby-dirt-mouth love!

Besides, maybe your affinity for dirt keeps you healthy!