Sylvia’s expanding diet

shoeeater.JPGSept. 8: Sylvia is eating lots of non-milk items these days.  It’s such fun to introduce food to a new little person!  We gave her her first meal back in late July.  She’s now eating (in pureed form) bananas, applesauce, pear sauce, peaches (and tiny bits of peach), peas, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe bits, rice cereal, and lots of cheerios.  In fact, cheerios are my new way of distracting an unhappy baby.  Pop one in her open mouth, and she often stops crying:)
She’s also recently discovered how to get her feet in her mouth (as demonstrated in the photo to the right).  Sometimes I have a hard time getting her diaper on because she won’t remove her toes from her mouth.  Mmmmm.  They are so yummy!