Sylvia is one month old!

siblings.JPGMarch 10: Sylvia is four weeks old today.  And tomorrow is her one-month birthday.  She’s getting to be so beautiful, and her eyes are seeing more and more of the world every day.  Happy birthday, little sweetie!

In other news, a gray hair has been spotted sprouting from the top of my head.

Neither Sylvia nor Andrew napped today, our first full solo day together.  And Sylvia cried or needed to be jollied nearly the entire day.  Why am I still awake at 10 pm?  I wanted some “me” time.  And I needed to digest the turtle sunday that Terry brought over for dessert.  Mmm turtle sundays…

And right now both children are sleeping, and I sort of want to be awake to relish the wonderfulness of it all.
Andrew said so many adorable things today that I wanted to pop.  He pointed out all the parts about Sylvia that he loved.  “And I wove her widdle hands and her teeny tiny widdle fingers.  And I wove her eyes (he says while poking them) and her ears and her hair (he says while kissing it) and I wove wove her widdle nose.”
Later he turned to Sylvia and said, “I can’t wait until you grow bigger and we can play!”
He’s such a great big brother, I almost wish he were my big brother:)
Pictures are in the gallery.