Slow day today

Aug. 29: 6 pm.  I’m about to head out for the evening.  My dad’s sister, Julie, and her husband, Kevin are here now.  Mom’s friend Mary came up from Chicago and is going to stay with me tonight so she can see Mom again tomorrow morning.  Mom’s cousin, Paula, and her aunt, Carol also came over to visit.  They helped us put a nice foam pad on Mom’s bed to help her rest more comfortably.  Becky and Terry have stayed all afternoon, sitting out on the patio or sitting near Mom.  And Terry’s neighbor, Connie, came over again to see Mom this evening.

Dad’s driving back from Monroe…he was down there visiting his parents today.  He and Michael and Tom are going to work something out so someone can be with her and able to quickly respond to her throughout the night.

Today felt quite a bit like yesterday.  It seems that Mom’s condition has been relatively stable for the last 48 hours.  It’s kind of a relief to be able to take a breath here for a moment.  It also feels like some strange flower-filled twilight zone.  Fortunately, Mom snored while she slept today, which sounded very home-y and reassuring to me:)
Until later,