Tough times

Aug. 27: 7 am.  This sure isn’t easy.  I feel like with things with Mom’s health that we’ve been kind of feeling our way along and getting through half-days, making Mom comfortable and tending to her needs.  It makes it hard to see where we’ve been and where we’re going.  The last day or two, though, have been mostly unremarkable but overall pretty troubling and hard.

Mom’s become slowly but increasingly confused and unresponsive and so very, very tired.  Last night we called Hospice and spoke to a nurse because we were concerned about her confused mental state and about how little food she’s eaten in the last day.  The nurse was very kind but said that all the symptoms and signs that Mom is exhibiting are normal for someone in a declining state.  She has medications for pain and for nausea and for anxiety, so that’s mostly what they have for treatments for her right now.

I took Maretta home with me last night.  The last week or so has really worn her ragged, and I worry that she has reach the limits of her ability to deal with Mom and the situation at home for at least a while.

At about 3 am, my dad called me at home because Mom had thrown up in bed.  I came over to help him clean up, and a Hospice nurse came over around 4 am to check on Mom and to talk with us.
Mom is in tough shape, and for the moment, her approach to questioning reminds me a bit of Andrew…”No” to most questions…and that includes mostly queries about medicine or drink or blankets.  She says she just wants to sleep.

At this point, Mom is sleeping in bed.  Actually, in the baby monitor I have sitting next to me, I can hear both Mom and Dad breathing sleepily together.

Our social worker, Mary, and our RN, Jenny, are going to come over this morning…we should find out what time about 8:30 am.  I’ll post an update after our conversation with them.