Mom’s making progress?

August 1: I’ve been pretty wrapped up at work and with evening activities, so I’ve only talked to my mom on the phone the last few days.  Not much to report, but I thought that folks might like an update none-the-less.

Mom said that the leaking catheter seems to have slowed somewhat.  Yesterday (Tuesday), she went into the oncology clinic for a long time.  She had an appointment with Dr. Frontiera, and he said that he had talked with Dr. Matzke about scheduling a biopsy of the suspected Sister Joseph’s Nodule.  It was Dr. Frontiera‘s opinion, though, that the suspected nodule was just an old umbilical hernia.  Differing opinions can be hopeful!  I don’t think we have a date for the biopsy yet, but that’s in the works.

Mom was at the oncology clinic for about six hours, getting two bags of saline infused through IV.  She’s been drinking loads of liquids, but so much of it is leaking out of her liver as ascites that her blood pressure is getting pretty low, and she’s feeling fuzzy and tired, and generally dehydrated.  Mom’s brother Peter and his wife Marci came up from Iowa and visited Mom during her time at the clinic.

I talked to Mom briefly this morning, and she said that the leaking of catheter seemed to have maybe diminished, so that was hopeful.  She was discouraged that after getting all that fluid yesterday that her blood pressure was still low (99), and she is still feeling really light-headed.  Throughout the day today, she’s been feeling really wiped out.

We’re getting geared up for our annual trip out to Jack’s house this weekend.  Mom’s thinking about the shopping list (we have 15 attendees this year!), and Joe and I are going to acquire the food.

That’s about all I have to report today.