Mom came to visit me

Jan. 31: To all those who have been checking my website for updates on Mom’s continued recovery, I apologize for the long delay between posts.  Andrew’s recent bouts with pink eye, a high fever, and getting two new teeth sapped all my extra time and energy.
P1010023.jpgBut the good news is that there really hasn’t been much to report in the last week or so.  Mom continues to improve.  She went to Terry’s condo last week, went out to Culvers with Dad on Saturday, and yesterday Dad brought her over to my place for the afternoon.  She kept me company while we tended to a somewhat unhappy Andrew.

She’s still very tender and taking it slow.  Several naps help.  But she’s looking good, and I’m sort of awed at how well she’s recovering.  Mom has an appointment back up at Mayo in the next week when I believe she meets with an oncologist there to talk about additional chemo options.  I’ll post an update when we know more about what her next treatment will be.

Thanks again to so, so, so many people for thinking of Mom while she had her surgery.  I still can’t believe that it went so well.