Fun memories from Texas

Feb. 21: Andrew turned to me today, and said, “I miss Texas.”  “You do?” I said, “What do you miss most?”  Wistfully, Andrew replied, “The Bounce.”
He’s referring to a place we went twice where kids can play on inflatable bouncing houses, big slides, obstacle courses, etc.  He loved it.  Photos are here.
Here in Wisconsin, we’ve had five or so inches of snow falling today.  Makes me think back fondly on car washing, barefoot tree climbing, and crawling-with-no-snowsuit.
Andrew had a good time playing with Grandad’s toy animals.  In fact, some amazing things happened with them.  Apparently, at Grandad’s house, when you leave the animals outdoors overnight, they get big and play while you sleep.  Andrew discovered this when he came out the next morning and found that the animals had magically moved around.  Andrew was in complete awe of this situation.  His eyes get all big and his whispers about how the animals get big overnight at Grandad’s.  They sometimes climb up into the trees or put their heads in the dirt!

The kids had a great time playing with the miniature kitchen cabinet that LuAnn’s dad made for her when she was little.  Sylvia loved pulling out the little dishes so they would make great crashing noises as they fell on the floor.

Andrew really enjoyed playing songs on Granny’s beautiful piano.  One game that he particularly enjoyed was to take decorative vegetables out of a display basket and “play their song.”  So there was radish songs, carrot songs, and here’s a picture of Andrew playing a “cabbage song.”

Andrew’s little heart has been oozing love these past weeks and months.  Not to diminish the sincerity of his expressions of love to to any individual, but he gushes on a near-hourly basis statements like, “I love you more than you can even imagine.” or “I love you up to Jupiter.” or “I love you so much I can’t even tell you.”  One of my favorites though, was when he told Granny, “I love you as far as from where macaroni comes from.”  That’s far, my little guy.  That’s very, very far.