
picklesandwich.JPGJan. 26: Andrew sure is a cute kid!  Tom came over this morning, and he and Andrew had a wonderful time playing and writing letters together.  Andrew has been tracing letters for the last month or so, and Tom was teaching him to free-hand letters.  They were having a blast.  It gave me a chance to clean the bathroom, wash windows, dust, vacuum, mop, and do meal planning for the week.  Thanks Tom!
I’ve been keeping a list of cute Andrewisms, and here they are:

  • Andrew: “Mom, can you make me a pickle and cheese sandwich?”
    Me: “Uh, I guess so.”
    Andrew: “Are you going to have one too?”
    Me: “No.”
    Andrew: “You know, it’s good to try new things, Mom.”
  • This has been an ongoing joke of Andrew’s for the last couple months.  While we’re eating a meal, he burps.  Then he says, “Excuse me!”  One of us will say, “You’re excused.”  He cracks a huge smile and laughs, “I’m not going anywhere!”
    It never gets old.
  • On Sunday morning, Andrew woke up before Sylvia and (amazingly) entertained himself for a while.  After hearing him up for a while, I finally roused myself from the bed to go and check on him.  He was lying on his back on the bathroom floor looking up at me.
    Andrew: “Mommy, I am all alone, and I need someone to care for me!”
  • We rented a Sesame Street Healthy Muppets video…kind of a work-out video for kids.  Andrew has loved watching it.  After jumping up and down along with the show, he came over to me and put my hand on his chest.
    Andrew: “Mom, feel my heart!  It’s pumping with joy!”
  • After reflecting, Andrew said to Bryan, “I love all the adults in the world.”  He has some pretty wonderful adults in his life!

In other news, I had a large snafu with my camera last night.  I downloaded 200-some photos after which the computer crashed.  When it rebooted, the images were gone and I’d deleted them off the camera.  I’d be more annoyed if they weren’t all photos of the cats, Sylvia making crazy faces, and Andrew jumping off the chair.  I’m mostly worried that since this happened once it could happen again.  The thought keeps me up at night.