Super Boy

superboy.JPGJan. 15: Aunt Maretta got Andrew a cape for Christmas, and my boy has sure been having fun flying in his super cape.  He likes me to take pictures of him jumping, and I made a whole album (at his request) of Superboy jumping.
Andrew didn’t get to go to preschool this morning because the temperatures were so low.  Our thermometer said it was -11 degrees!  Even though Andrew loves, loves, loves preschool, and even though he was supposed to be celebrating his birthday at preschool today (since his birthday is during the summer), he’s been pretty nonplussed about it all.  Instead, he happily helped me wash the windows and dust.  What a good kid:-)
We’ve been having a blast the last three days hanging out with Uncle Joe.  Andrew sure adores his Uncle, and we’re soaking in our time with him.