Tell me a story!

lion.jpgOct. 24: Andrew is so completely consumed with the telling of stories…it’s kind of amazing.  Common refrains are, “Tell me story ’bout ANDREW.” or  “Tell me story ’bout us!” or “Tell story ’bout A BEAR.”  Mid-story, he often asks, “Then who comes??”  He likes it best when some animal shows up mid-story.  For example, I’ll be in the midst of a pretty good story about a little curly-haired boy named Andy who was solving a mystery at the grocery store when Andrew will ask, “Then who comes?”  He’ll ask repeatedly until I say something along the lines of, “Well, then a walrus came around the grocery aisle and said, ‘Hello Andy!'”
That kid is a crack-up.  Photos from the last couple weeks including some great pics of Andrew in his Halloween costume made specially for Andrew by his Granny Lu are in the gallery.