Andrew is singing

Oct. 18: Andrew spends much of his time singing.  Favorites are The Farmer in the Dell, Old McDonald, and ABCs.  He also loves counting.  Not that he’s accurately identifying how many of anything he sees.  He just likes to say the numbers.  “One, two, three, four, five.”  Counting things on his plate or trees we pass along the road.  Then he counts up to “twenty-teen” just for fun.

This morning, he wanted to get back in his crib and read books while I took a shower.  When I came out, he was looking at one of his books, and singing Old McDonald about the animals on each of the pages.  “Ollld McDonald had an aardvark.  EE II EEE III OOOO.”  “Old McDonald had a monster, with a grrr here and a grrr there…”  That kid is just so fun!

We were in Northfield and St. Paul last weekend for a Carleton alumni committee I serve on and to visit Aunt Maretta and Uncle Kyle.  Andrew and Bryan had a fun time hanging out together, and Andrew just kept turning on the charm.  He’s at such a fun age.

When I brought him his toast for breakfast this morning, I said, “I cut it into four squares for you, Andrew.”  And he replied, “OH Thank you, Mommy. Squares! Oh my gosh!”