Alphabet madness

doingapuzzle.jpgSept. 15: I’m constantly amazed how little brains work.  Once Andrew decides it is time to do something, it surprises me how he can just go ahead and do it.  I don’t think he is any different from other kids in this respect, but it’s such a privilege to watch him in action.
In the past few weeks, Andrew has decided that he loves the alphabet.  So we went to the library and got him several alphabet books.  Since that time, he’s just been eating up letters.  Today, he pointed at Bryan’s shirt and said, “B – A – Y – L..”  Well, then he lost interest, but Bryan’s shirt said Baylor.

In other news, Andrew is still in love with stories about Robin Hooood.  He’s not napping for us today.  When he is feeling cooperative, he’s just the funnest person to be around.  I trimmed his curls while he was in the tub last night.  They were getting a little excessive, but I just love them so!