Happy Birthday to Andrew!

birthdaygang.jpgJune 23: Andrew has been going around all day singing, “Happy Birthday to Andrew!”  Yesterday we went to Olbrich gardens with Vicki and Alex and a couple of their friends.  Andrew had great fun trying to throw rocks into the pools (not allowed) and running up and down the paths (very encouraged).  Afterwards, we went to Michael’s Custard for a yummy lunch.  Granny Lu and Grandad arrived in town in the afternoon, and we had fun planning for Saturday’s party and playing together.  Dinner at Ella’s Deli ended our fun day together.
This morning, we had Andrew’s second birthday party at the zoo.  Andrew had nearly his entire immediate family gather together to celebrate.  After a romp through the zoo, we had a picnic and a Noah’s Ark shaped cake.  Loads of pictures are in the gallery.