Mayish happenings

marettaandjoe.jpgMay 28: Andrew won’t nap. He’s been in his bed for about 15 minutes, shouting, “Daddy, WHERE ARE YOU?”  It’s a little wearing on us all.  Poor bubby needs to take a nap!  We had a fun morning, though.  We biked down to the Monona Memorial Day parade where we saw politicians and beauty queens and clowns and fire trucks, and (Andrew’s favorite) a person dressed up like a moose.  Then we biked into Monona and played at an amazing community-built playground.  Andrew had great fun in the sand box (I think it was his first sand box experience).  On the bike ride home, he fell asleep for the last couple blocks, so I think that made nap time the torture that it is.
Now he is singing, “Bah bah black sheep…”  At least he’s not super sad.  Sometimes he says, “Daddy, come play!”
Not really what you want your napping child to be thinking:)
I have a couple of new albums up in the gallery.  One is of a party we had with our neighbors last Wednesday night, and the other is of random moments from the last week including a field trip out to a beautiful piece of land in southwestern Wisconsin on Friday.  I can’t believe May has come and gone!  We got the rest of our vegetable garden planted yesterday, and we cleaned out a little weed patch next to the garage and planted cosmos and Rudbeckia seeds.  It was a perfect day.
And now, on to June!