Mama is out of favor

andrewandbryan.jpgMay 21: I missed posting on Mother’s Day by about a week, but I do have some pictures from that general time period in the gallery.  It’s interesting that this holiday is coinciding with another very Daddy oriented time for Andrew. Back in January and February, he really wanted very little to do with me.  It was as if Daddy were the sun in his world.  For the last few months, I’ve been back in the loving, good graces of our young son, but these past few weeks, my suit seems to have fallen out of favor.  He’ll let me play with him and give him baths, but for example, this evening, he suddenly needed his Daddy.  I mentioned that Dad was in the back yard.  So Andrew stood at the screen door yelling, “Daddy, DADDY.  Where ARE you?  WHERE ARE YOU?”  Sweet boy loves his dad.  And I love them both:)