Young Andrew is starting to feel better

sickandrew.jpgJan. 16:  It’s been a sick weekend in the Dotzour home.  The fever Andrew started running on Friday got worse over the weekend.  We kept him dosed up on medicine (or “meh sin” as he calls it), and we watched videos nearly constantly as this activity was one of the only that didn’t result in anguished tantrums.  While he was sick, reading books, playing with toys, doing puzzles, or just sitting on the floor together could instantly turn bad if the book wasn’t held just so or the puzzle piece wouldn’t fit in fast enough.  I think that being sick just took away his tolerance for things not going according to his (private) plan.
So I now have Animals are Beautiful People nearly committed to memory.  Fortunately it doesn’t seem that his illness was anything more than a relatively benign virus.  And Andrew is certainly on the upswing today.  We’re playing with his Ark as I type:)  What a relief it is to have him feeling better!  Photos of sick Andrew in various reclined positions are in the gallery.