Christmas activities

Dec. 18: Today is my dad’s birthday, and we celebrated by getting together for dinner at our place.  Mom made all the food and brought it over. I told her that I’m always happy to have a dinner party at my house when I don’t have to do a thing to get ready for it!  Dessert was chocolate fondue with good dippings.  mmmm  See a quick video here:

Andrew has been having a lot of fun with Christmas activities.  The novelty of the tree has worn off.  After we decorated the tree, he completely forgot about the tree water/splash pool, and at this point, he leaves most of the ornaments alone too.  Last week we had a neighborhood holiday party/cookie exchange at our house.  He had fun playing, and Bryan and I really enjoyed spending a warm evening with our friends whom we don’t see much when the weather turns cold.

I had my Gathering Waters holiday party last week as well, and we had the three 2005 Gathering Babies in the same place for the first time since last winter.  Clara, Alex, and Andrew sure are an amazing set of cuties.  And Andrew really enjoyed the food at the party.

Last weekend, we took another visit to Olbrich Gardens holiday train exhibit.  Andrew had a blast watching the trains and running around in the conservatory.  It’s so fun to watch him gain confidence and navigate his own little way in the world.  He knew how to wiggle right up to the trains…meanwhile I’m on my tiptoes several bodies back, trying to keep an eye on him!

We’ve started sharing some presents with him.  Tonight he opened a couple gifts from Aunt Kate.  And he played with them all evening.  What a fun kid!

Karen called me this afternoon to tell me that Andrew had climbed to the top of the play structure today.   How does he get these ideas that he is a big boy?  It constantly shocks me!

The weather was so warm this past weekend that we spent quite a bit of time outdoors.  We (finally) raked our lawn, and Andrew had a blast playing in the leaves.  Then we went to the playground for the first time in a couple months.  He had a lot of fun going down the slide, playing on the swings, and going through the tunnel.  And he really didn’t want to leave!

Christmas is coming, and it’s so fun to share the magic with our little guy.

Happy wishes to you all!
