October is perhaps our favorite month

Andrewintheleaves.jpgOct. 15: I finally figured out how to log in to my website again!  At the end of September, I must have somehow reset the login, and I have been thwarted several times as I tried to update. Happily, we have been home this weekend, and during Andrew’s nap, I was able to get it working again.

Our little guy has been getting ever so engaged and active these last weeks.  I almost feel like I should change the website category section from Baby News to Little Guy News.  He’s outgrown nearly all his warm clothes from last year.  When I put him in them, they are a bit like high-water pants:)  So it’s all big-boy overalls and clothes.  And he’s so amazingly cute!

The last weekend in September, Bryan went to Michigan to spend time in a cabin with some of his Ann Arbor friends.  Andrew and I had what seemed like a long date.  We went apple picking and went out for pancake breakfasts, went to the zoo, hung out with Grandma, and visited Mum.  Pictures of the weekend are in the gallery.

The first weekend in October we traveled to Carleton.  I had a two-day meeting for an alumni committee on which I serve, so Bryan and Andrew spent a couple days exploring campus and Northfield.  Andrew ate his own Hogan Brother hoagie.  Actually, these days we’re ordering him his own children’s meals.  He’s been known to put away an entire hamburger by himself!

Andrew just interrupted me to tell me that he hears and airplane. He points at his ear and then at the sky.  Signs for “hear” and “airplane”

Aunt Melanie just sent us an amazing box of Halloween treats.  I have pictures in the gallery of Andrew’s new Spooky cat slippers, he new halloween counting book, and many other pictures of the little guy being adorable outside in our front yard. He’s getting where he can put his own hat on his head, likes to try to help put his shoes on his feet, and can follow pretty complex requests. In fact, on Friday when we went to visit Bryan at work, part way there I asked Andrew where we were going.  His reply, “Dada!”