So many milestones!

gnlugrandad.jpgMay 25: Andrew is fast transitioning from a 10 month old to a one-year old.  It feels like in the last month, Andrew has been on a mad rush to grow up fast! I can barely keep track of all his activities.  Here’s a few highlights…

  • While he’s still not really crawling, he’s pulling himself around a lot, and when he is on carpeting he sometimes crawls.  At day care at Karen’s, he can crawl up on a low trampoline.  Amazing!
  • Andrew said his first “words” last weekend.  A DUCK (pronounced “uk”) say QUACK QUACK (wak wak).  Andrew is also saying “mama” and “dada” a lot, but not consistantly or exclusively for his mom and dad.
  • Andrew is eating almost all foods now.  And the food is going everywhere. His favorite food is still cheese.  mmmm cheeeese.  He has a total of five teeth at some level of appearance.  The bottom-left tooth came through last weekend (making it three on the bottom, one on the top), and the top-front-right tooth came through yesterday.  My baby is growing up!

Recent photos in the gallery include pictures I took of Andrew to send to Bryan on his birthday.  I also have a fun gallery of pictures of our terrific visit with Granny Lu and Grandad last weekend.  Finally, we have some good pictures of recent visits with Mum and my Grandparents.