Enjoying these fall days

Granddad_in_the_leaves.jpgNov. 14:
Lots of fun photos of Andrew are up in the gallery this month!  We had a great visit with Granny Lu and Granddad the weekend of Nov. 4.  Photos
of Andrew playing in the leaves, of our walk out to Token Creek Park, and of him trying out a push-up at the Pancake House are in the gallery
The little guy is getting more engaged by the day, and he’s even started to laugh now and then.  He’s ticklish, and he let out a good chortle the other day while I was dressing him and wiggling my fingers on his sides.  Such a wonderful sound!

Andrew is big enough now to start having fun in a jump-up we have hanging in doorways.  We also just got a saucer from Vicki that he’s really enjoying.  He can spin around, and just last night, he started reaching for things (like cords!) that aren’t toys for babies.  It has begun.
Pictures from the last two weeks are in the gallery, and they include a wonderful set of images of Andrew making a wide assortment of faces to the camera.
The little guy has had a stuffy nose for a few weeks, and he’s drooling like mad.  Good thing we have plenty of burp bibs:)  Hope you enjoy these late fall days.  I can’t wait for Andrew to see his first snow!